Shift Your Identity in Christ and Reach Your Fullness

Personal Transformation in Christ

Discover Your True Identity In Christ

Embark on a life-changing journey

Take the first step towards a more purposeful, empowered, and spiritually fulfilling life. Embrace your identity in Christ and unlock your full potential as a beloved child of God. Don't wait; your transformation begins now!

Clarity and Purpose

Gain a profound understanding of your identity in Christ, allowing you to align your life with your true purpose and calling.

Spiritual Growth

Experience a deeper connection with your faith as you learn how to apply Christ-centered principles to your everyday life, enabling spiritual growth and maturity.

Renewed Confidence

Shed self-doubt and insecurity, fostering a sense of self-worth and confidence that comes from knowing who you are in Christ.

Empowered Living

Discover practical tools and strategies for living out your faith, making a positive impact in your community, and embracing the abundant life Christ promises.

Personal Transformation

Experience a personal journey that will equip you to navigate life's challenges and transitions with grace, love, and resilience.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord

- LUKE 4: 18-19 (RSV)

About Me

Picture of Inger Nordin


Author | Christian Life Coach | Teacher | Preacher

I'm Inger Marie Nordin, and the city of Oslo, Norway, is my home. I want to help you unlock God's incredible vision for your life, whether you're a single person or part of a group or church community. Ever wondered how God sees you? Together, we'll dig deep and discover your true identity in Christ.

My love for photography isn't just a hobby—it's a teaching tool. When I'm out for walks, capturing moments through the lens, I'm collecting stories to share with you, stories that can bring those Biblical truths to life.

I have felt the transformative power of coaching firsthand—the clarity, the guidance, the "aha!" moments—and now I want that for you. God often speaks to me through dreams, rich with symbolic messages. These dreams have not only propelled my spiritual journey but have also become teachable moments for others seeking to decipher God's language in their own dreams.

Singing is a form of ministry, a way to share what's on God's heart.

My family—daughter, son-in-law, and two wonderful grandsons—holds a special place in my heart.

I have written two books filled with poems and photos, "Possibilities" and "From God's Heart," available in both Norwegian and English. They're my heartfelt reflections on life and faith.

So, are you ready to embark on this incredible journey with God and unlock the possibilities He has for you? Let's do this!

In pointing out these things to the brothers and sisters, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the good doctrine which you have been following. 1 Timothy 4:6

1 Timothy 4:6

Discover Your True Identity In Christ

Book Me Now And Embark on a life-changing journey

Take the first step towards a more purposeful, empowered, and spiritually fulfilling life. Embrace your identity in Christ and unlock your full potential as a beloved child of God. Don't wait; your transformation begins now!

Book Me For Preaching, Teaching, and 1:1/Group Coaching

Copyright 2024 . All rights reserved.

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Inger’s devotional book is BRILLIANT—full of the light, life, and love of Yeshua. This is an incredible gift of intimacy with the Father to the Body of Christ globally. Drink from the deep well. Be refreshed, renewed, and restored. God’s desire is to empower you to be His glory carrier. Shalom!

- Dr. Joseph Peck, Founder and President of Empower 2000


Inger Marie Nordin has for many years mediated messages through poetry and singing. Furthermore, I have had the pleasure to hear her bible-believing and inspirational teaching through several years. I have therefore been excited and really looked forward to her writing and publishing a devotional. At last, here it is. She delivers edifying and inspirational words for the day. I have been touched by a clear and well written message, word for the day for reflection and afterthought. Now I am looking forward to reading this book again. Thank you, Inger.

- Per Ivar Winnæss, Pastor and Prophet


During conversations with Inger, I physically felt that God was healing wounds and that I was getting stronger every day. I felt a freedom I hadn't known before, a relief inside me. My relationship with my husband and children has also grown stronger, and we are more united than ever. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had for this. I am so happy. I believe this type of coaching, in comparison to others, is unique because God is involved in the entire process. Inger's prophetic gift is so strong. She hears from God and is used by Him to help others.

- Charlotte


Inger Marie Nordin has for many years mediated messages through poetry and singing. Furthermore, I have had the pleasure to hear her bible-believing and inspirational teaching through several years. I have therefore been excited and really looked forward to her writing and publishing a devotional. At last, here it is. She delivers edifying and inspirational words for the day. I have been touched by a clear and well written message, word for the day for reflection and afterthought. Now I am looking forward to reading this book again. Thank you, Inger.

- Lynn Hare